Reference practice
Shower walls - Installation guidelines
Shower enclosures - Installation guidelines
The reference practice defines the minimum requirements for the installation of shower walls in compliance with UNI EN 14428, in order to obtain from the product installed the safety and durability features provided by the manufacturer.
The document applies to shower walls to be installed in residential buildings, hotels, hospitals, accommodation facilities, school facilities, sports facilities, tourist facilities.
This reference practice UNI / PdR 14: 2015 is not a national standard, but is a document published by UNI, as required by EU Regulation 1025/2012, which collects prescriptions relating to practices shared within the following signatory of a collaboration agreement with UNI:
FederlegnoArredo - Assobagno
Foro Buonaparte, 65
20121 Milan
This reference practice was developed by the "Shower wall installation" table, led by UNI, made up of the following experts: < / p>
GUIDO SANDFORTH - Project Leader (Duka SpA)
MARCO FOSSI (FederlegnoArredo - Assobagno)
STEFANO PROSSEDA (TIS Techno Innovation South Tyrol SCpA)
Thanks to Renato Bianchi (Bianchi & Fontana Srl), Maurizio Giovanelli (Novellini SpA), Andrea Lanza (Megius SpA), Giuseppe Presotto (Arblu Srl), Luca Raimondi (Calibe Srl), Rossella Ravazzani ( Rare Srl) and Elia Vismara (Vismaravetro Srl) of the “Shower Box” Technical Work Group of Assobagno for the contribution provided in the first phase of the elaboration.
This reference practice was ratified by the President of UNI on 30 June 2015.
The reference practices, adopted exclusively at national level, are among the "products of European standardization", as provided for by EU Regulation 1025/2012, and are documents that introduce technical prescriptions, developed on the basis of a rapid process restricted to authors only, under the operational management of UNI.
The reference practices are available for a period not exceeding 5 years, maximum time from their publication within which they can be transformed into a normative document (UNI, UNI / TS, UNI / TR) or must be retired.
Anyone who considers, following the application of this reference practice, to be able to provide suggestions for its improvement is requested to send their contributions to UNI, the Italian National Unification Body, which will keep them under consideration.
The harmonized standard UNI EN 14428 requires that shower walls must be placed on the market accompanied by detailed instructions on installation and use, including at least the information concerning the description of the installation, with particular consideration of the building structure and the necessary tools and sealants, the appropriate care and maintenance instructions.
In support of the standard aforementioned, it was considered useful to proceed with the preparation of a document that would provide a series of requirements that must be taken into consideration for the purpose of installing the shower walls, in order to obtain the safety and durability characteristics envisaged by the manufacturer from the product installed. .
Carefully designed and manufactured products can perform poorly if not installed correctly. Since, in practice, there is no detailed definition of the tasks and responsibilities of the various actors, it is essential, in order to protect the interest of all, starting with that of the final consumer, that the requirements of the process as a whole are clearly defined. This document intends to provide a contribution in this sense, specifying the technical requirements for a correct design and installation process for shower walls.
This document is aimed at all the subjects of the supply chain who intervene from the design to the end of the installation, such as installers, shower wall manufacturers, retailers, designers and construction companies that prepare the context in which the shower wall is mounted.
A correct application of this reference practice is particularly effective in the event that the figure of the client coincides with that of the end user / consumer, who is difficult to control the entire process and, therefore , better protected by the possibility of referring, albeit indirectly, to a shared document like this one.
This reference practice defines the minimum requirements for the professional installation of shower walls compliant with UNI EN 14428, in order to obtain safety and durability characteristics from the product installed. provided by the manufacturer.
This document applies to all installations, both public and private, such as residential buildings, hotels, hospitals, accommodation facilities, school facilities, sports facilities, tourist facilities.
NOTE Additional requirements may be required for specific applications.
This reference practice refers, through dated and undated references, to provisions contained in other publications. These normative and legislative references are cited in the appropriate points of the text and are listed below. With regard to dated references, subsequent modifications or revisions made to these publications are valid only if introduced in this document as an update or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011, "establishing harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Directive 89/106 / EEC of the Council ”
UNI EN 251 Shower trays - Connection dimensions
UNI EN 14428: 2015 Shower walls - Functional requirements and test methods
UNI EN 14527 Shower trays for domestic use
UNI EN 15651-3 Sealants for joints for non-structural use in buildings and pedestrian walkways - Part 3: Sealants for joints for sanitary uses < / span>
CEN / TR 13548 General rules for the design and installation of ceramic tiling
UNI 7697 Safety criteria in glass applications
UNI 11322 Stone coverings for flooring - Instructions for design, installation and maintenance
UNI 11493 Floor and wall ceramic tiling - Instructions for design, installation and maintenance
UNI 11515 Resilient and laminated floor coverings - Instructions for the design, installation and maintenance
CEI 64-8 / 7 Electrical systems using a rated voltage not exceeding 1,000 V in alternating current and 1,500 V in direct current. Part 7: Special environments and applications.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:
3.1 shower wall: Arrangement of one or more panels and / or one or more doors, installed on or around a shower compartment with drain, a shower tray or a bathtub , in conjunction with one or more walls of the main building structure, to provide a water retention area for showering purposes.
[UNI EN 14428: 2015, definition 3.1]
NOTE Products known on the market as "walk-in" and "shower screens" are included in the above definition, in the watertight zone.
The requirements specified in this document are presented in a sequence that reflects the chronological order of the design and installation process of the shower walls, starting from the design, including the choice of materials and components, to continue with the preliminary checks on installation and with the actual execution of the works. Furthermore, the document provides information on the final cleaning to be carried out before delivery, as well as on the documentation that the client must receive when the work is completed.
Appendix A provides a method for checking the flatness of horizontal and vertical coverings, to be carried out before installing the shower wall.
The reference practice defines the requirements of the various phases, regardless of which are in reality the figures who intervene to complete them. On the basis of this logic, the requirements relating to the design phase have been grouped in a single point, although in reality they may concern different figures: the designer of the building part for everything related to the construction of the support, the supplier of the wall shower / dealer / installer for what concerns the shower wall.
The installed shower walls must meet the requirements of UNI EN 14428 and be CE marked in compliance with EU Regulation 305/2011 and Appendix ZA of the same UNI EN 14428.
The performances indicated in the CE marking refer to standardized test conditions.
5.1.2 GLASS
The compliance of the glass sheets with the safety requirements of UNI 7697 is satisfied if the shower wall complies with UNI EN 14428.
Conversely, a set of glass sheets compliant with UNI 7697 is not a sufficient condition to satisfy the mandatory requirements of UNI EN 14428.
The shower trays, when present, must comply with UNI EN 14527.
The sealants used for laying the shower wall must comply with UNI EN 15651-3.
All construction products installed must comply with the relevant harmonized standards (CE marking), if any.
The screws used for installation must not suffer or cause aesthetic or stability damage to the shower wall, due for example to corrosion, galvanic coupling or other degradation phenomena.
The designer of the works in the area affected by the installation of the shower wall must consider the following:
dimensional tolerances in the construction sector (in relation to geometric characteristics of walls and floors, flatness, etc.);
rules on the design and installation of ceramic coverings: UNI 11493 or CEN / TR 13548;
rules on the design and installation of stone floors: UNI 11322;
any other rules for the design and installation, useful for the correct preparation of the substrates for the coverings, so that the coverings themselves are properly laid for the correct installation of the shower walls;
rules on the design and installation of resilient floors: UNI 11515;
rules on the design and installation of mosaics: UNI 11493 or UNI 11322; < / p>
manufacturer's instructions on installing shower trays and bathtubs;
rules on fillet dimensions for plates shower: UNI EN 251.
The shower wall must be provided in a position such that, when the wall is opened (either inwards or outwards), contact with hard objects is avoided (for example: door counter sink or bidet, taps, soap dish, various accessories).
The buffer zones defined by the CEI 64-8 / 7 standard on electrical systems in areas with bathtubs or showers must be taken into account. The installation area must take into account the requirements established by the aforementioned standard.
In case of installation of shower walls up to the ceiling, it is necessary to evaluate the additional risks due to the large dimensions of the panels, the adequacy of the ventilation, the weight, the formation of condensation and the stability of the fixing .
It is not recommended to install the shower wall at the points of connection between the shower wall uprights and door and window jambs.
The shower walls must be mounted on tiled masonry elements, or on walls with equivalent static characteristics, to maintain the mechanical resistance characteristics for which they have been tested.
Soft materials should be avoided, due to their low mechanical strength.
Porous materials must also be avoided, due to infiltration problems. FLOOR AND WALL COVERINGS
In addition to what is established in the standards and technical documents on the laying of ceramic coverings referred to in 5.2, the following cases must be explicitly taken into consideration and avoided, if necessary for the specific installation situation:
a) the presence of unripe substrates before laying the tiles;
b) the presence of substrates and walls in non-waterproof or non-waterproof / porous material; SHOWER TRAYS OR BATHS
The shower tray, compliant with UNI EN 14527, must be installed level and be suitable to avoid the accumulation of water. The width of the border, when present, must be such as to offer a sufficient barrier for prevent bounce drops from escaping, while at the same time preventing water accumulation on the edge and surface of the shower tray. If in doubt about the type of shower tray to use in conjunction with a shower wall, consult the manufacturer of the shower wall.
The flatness of the edges of the shower tray must be checked. UNI / PdR 14: 2015
© UNI 9
The sealing and laying of shower trays and bathtubs must have been performed following the manufacturer's instructions and the relevant product and installation standards, if any.
The installation area of the shower wall should be smooth and flat to ensure proper water tightness. In correspondence with any natural stone claddings or those with a raised profile (not "smooth") or those in mosaic, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the planarity required during the installation phase.
In the preliminary measurement phase for product selection, the installer must comply with the following requirements:
the measurements must be made after the installation of any wall coverings and, in any case, when the finish of the walls and floor or shower tray is completed;
the deviations from the verticality of the installation wall must be considered, using the method described in Appendix A. A maximum inclination tolerance is allowed as per indications provided by the manufacturer for the specific product to be installed;
the planarity of the wall must be considered, verified using the method described in Appendix A. The maximum permissible deviation must coincide with that envisaged by the indications provided by the manufacturer of the shower screen for the specific product to be installed.
The installer must verify that:
the place is suitable for installation and is clean and ready for product assembly;
no subsequent installation activities are foreseen that risk damaging the already mounted shower wall or the seals made to ensure watertightness and absence of infiltrations;
the chosen product is suitable for the place of installation (for example: suitable for installation on a shower tray or on the floor);
the product to be installed is intact, in all components, before mounting; < / span>
the package contains all the required elements, before installation, including the documentation required by UNI EN 14428;
the characteristics of the product correspond to those agreed.
The installation of the shower walls must be carried out following the manufacturer's instructions. The installer must verify that, during assembly, the properties of the
are not damaged
customer. For example, metal profiles, which are sensitive to basic substances such as lime, must be suitably protected during the installation phase. TRANSPORT AND HANDLING
The installer must consider the methods of transport, the possibility of handling inside the bathroom during assembly, the protection of the glass edges and other aspects related to transport and handling. FIXINGS
Do not position the fixings of the shower wall profiles in correspondence with systems (electrical, plumbing, heating). In case of fastening in correspondence with sliding door compartments, use suitable fasteners.
Fastening systems must be used that do not compromise the watertightness of the wall in the humid area. Further indications of the manufacturer must be observed. SEALING
All seals must guarantee the tightness, resistance to infiltrations and the durability necessary for the functionality of the cabin, considering the requirements and type of materials or surfaces to be sealed and the normal stresses, including those due to : cleaning, use of the cabin, use of common detergents.
The sealings must not be performed in areas subject to maintenance (for example: inspectable joints).
The state of the art and the existing technical standards for laying the seal must be observed, as well as the installation instructions of the sealant manufacturer. < / span>
During installation, the indications on the types of sealants suitable for each material to be sealed must be respected.
Surfaces must always be clean before applying the sealant, to ensure adhesion.
Drying times of the sealant product must be respected, following the sealant manufacturer's instructions.
The width of the seal must be such that it meets the seal requirement and be aesthetically acceptable.
The seals between the shower wall and walls or sanitary ware or floor must be carried out following the instructions of the manufacturer of the shower walls. CLEANING AND END OF INSTALLATION
Immediately after installation, it must be checked that the shower wall has not been soiled by materials that could damage it (for example, metal profiles are sensitive to basic substances such as lime). If necessary, the shower wall must be cleaned immediately .
The installer must deliver and explain the documentation produced by the manufacturer, checking together with the user the methods and detergents suitable for cleaning the shower walls. < / span>
If the shower screen is installed in a structure that is not yet in use, the documentation must be handed over and explained to the client.
The manufacturers of the shower screen and other CE marked installed products make available the declarations of performance (DOP).